Thursday, October 31, 2019

Is Large-Scale Biomass Combustion a sustainable Option for Energy Essay

Is Large-Scale Biomass Combustion a sustainable Option for Energy Generation - Essay Example It also encompasses the dead remains of biological species that can be utilized further as a fuel or chemical product (Basu, 2010). In this similar concern, energy is fundamentally described as the ability or the capacity of an individual or a person to perform a particular task. It possesses a significant need in everyday life. For instance, energy is being used for various activities that include the execution of cars for moving one place to another and televisions for the purpose of entertainment among others. Moreover, energy is also used for producing electricity and heat for different purposes. It has been apparently observed that a large percentage of energy is obtained from the combustion of biomass (Need, 2012). In this paper, a critical discussion about the use of sustainable energy will be taken into concern. Moreover, the determination of large-scale business combustion as one of the sustainable options for energy generation will also be discussed in this paper. Large Sca le Biomass Combustion as a Sustainable Option for Energy Biomass Combustion is principally described as the method of burning through which 90% of the world’s energy is released to supply heat and energy services like material processing that includes food preparation, electricity and transportation. It has been viewed as the process through which fuels are burnt with the help of oxygen (Overend, 2004). Biomass Combustion Biomass combustion is considered as the oldest type of combustion that largely exploited by human beings. It is also regarded as one of the most complicated forms of combustion system. This process of combustion entails the use of solid fuels in a multi-phase reaction system interacting with different mass fluxes. The prime understanding of the solid fuel combustion system reveals with reference to the fact that only fuel can burn and release heat. It has also been viewed that solids and liquids do not burn by themselves but consume heat in the process of dr ying which are required to be chemically transformed into fuel gas. There are several different materials that can be considered as biomass. These materials include solid wood, fats and proteins (Overend, 2004). The process of biomass combustion fundamentally takes place in 6 phases that comprise drying, coke combustion, volatile ignition as well as emission, volatile flame burning along with volatile flame extinction. It has been apparently observed that the process of biomass combustion initially takes place in the homogenous stage and later in the heterogeneous stage. The procedure of the biomass combustion can be better understood with the help of the following illustration. Fig.1: Process of Biomass Combustion Source: (NEST, n.d.) The deliverance of sustainable energy has been noted to be one of the critical issues in recent times linked with the procedure of biomass combustion. In this similar context, it can be stated that human beings might face a tough challenge in the upco ming years about accessing different energy sources. According to various researches, biomass combustion is regarded as an important source that might make a greater contribution towards the fulfilment of the demand for energy in future. Presently, it has been viewed that biomass is one

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sophocles` Oedipus The King And Shakespeare`S Othello Essay Example for Free

Sophocles` Oedipus The King And Shakespeare`S Othello Essay Greek literature was rich in dramas and tragic heroes.  The main rules for defining the real tragic hero were summarized and sharply distinguished by Aristotle; he worked out six important characteristics for the true tragic hero: hamartia, hubris, anagnorisis, peripeteia, nemesis and catharsis; hamartia – a serious mistake, which is the main reason of downfall of the hero, this mistake is often made because of hubris – extreme pride, after the downfall the hero learns a lesson or makes a discovery this is defined by the notion anagnorisis, reversal of fortune is called peripeteia, nemesis means some circumstances, which the hero could not avoid, practically his fate. Aristotle, 13). The last one – catharsis – denotes the feeling of fear and pity experienced by the audience; in closing this should be a person who is â€Å"between these extremes . . . a person who is neither perfect in virtue and justice, nor one who falls into misfortune through vice and depravity, but rather, one who succumbs through some miscalculation (Aristotle, 18). Guided by the above-mentioned instructions we are going to analyze two famous plays: Sophocles’s Oedipus the king and Shakespeare’s Othello, namely their main heroes. Both Oedipus and Othello are tragic heroes. They both show signs of hubris, yet they have admirable qualities that have raised them to the position they have. In fact, their very strengths are also their weaknesses. Most critics consider Oedipus the perfect example of tragic hero. Indeed if to evaluate the correspondence of Oedipus to the characteristics of Aristotle he meets all the parameters. His nobility is out of question, as he was born in a royal family, although raised by adoptive parents, who were also the King and Queen of Corinth, and finally, when he managed to solve the riddle of Sphinx, he got the dominion over the city. Shakespeare’s Othello is also a tragic hero and also corresponds to the Aristotle’s characteristics. Othello, as well as Oedipus, had to come through pride, fatal mistake and self-destruction. Othello is a noble man and an outstanding military leader. But in reality his greatness was combined with his weakness: on the one hand he was brave and intelligent, on the other hand he was somewhat passive and fell under the influence and allowed Iago manipulate him. Oedipus’s hubris could be seen in his desire to prove to his city that he was able to solve the mystery and save the citizens from the plague. Besides he was rather self -assured, which can be confirmed by his own words in the opening lines of the prologue, when he states Here I am myselfyou all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus. (Sophocles, 11). Oedipus had every reason to believe that he was a prominent personality and he wanted to support his high status for his subordinates, in this way his strength unexpectedly for him turned into his weak side. Hamartia of Oedipus is very important and sophisticated. His tragic flows rooted from his lack of knowledge about his true identity, but he could not be responsible for his flow as he was not able to change anything with his actions. In fact, Oedipus didn’t make any mistakes, he suffered the consequences of somebody else’s old mistake in the past. Actually the peripetea is closely related to hamartia of Oedipus, as the bad fortune followed the hero from his very birth. Othello’s hamartia or downfall, when she killed his beloved wife, was the result of his hubris – he was so much afraid that his pride could be hurt in case of Desdemona’s unfaithfulness that he didn’t even stop to think whether all the Iago’s arguments were correct or not – â€Å"Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter My friend, thy husband, honest, honest Iago† (Shakespeare, 8). Moreover he preferred to trust Iago instead of listening to his wife. In this case such virtue as trust turned out to have a destructing force for the hero. In contrast to Oedipus Othello could avoid his tragic flow, if only his reaction to the words of Iago were different. Catharsis of the audience is characterized by very profound emotions and feelings of sympathy towards Oedipus, when he instead of committing suicide, chose terrible tortures for himself. When Oedipus realized what had happened to him in reality, he said: Oh, oh, then everything has come out true. Light, I shall not look on you Again. I have been born where I should not be born, I have been married where I should not marry, I have killed whom I should not kill; now all is clear (Sophocles, 32). Being blind he belonged neither to this word nor to the other word, thus his suffering was not finished even at the end of the play. No doubts, that the audience experienced sympathy and pity for Othello after his murder. The realization of his awful deed hurt Othello deeply, but as distinct from Oedipus he chose suicide. Overall, both heroes Othello and Oedipus could be referred to as classical examples of Aristotle’s tragic hero. They are both very strong and outstanding personalities, noble and fair; after getting their high positions they however developed such features as obstinacy, self-assurance, mightiness. Both of them took wrong decisions and became the victims of their fatal mistakes, which finally transformed their strengths into their weak points and led to tragic finals.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Data Protection Act Principles in Childcare

Data Protection Act Principles in Childcare UNIT 5 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES 5.1 DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 Anyone who keeps records whether on computer or on paper must apply with this act. It should be clear to service user for what purpose the data are being kept. Information about a child should also be accessible to parents and shared with them. It is not compulsory just do on their demand. Information should not be kept for longer than necessary, though accident and incident records will be need to be kept in case they are needed for references at some time in future. Records must be stored securely. THE 4 DATA PROTECTION ACT PRINCIPALS AND HOW TO IMPLEMENT IT IN A CHILDCARE PROCESSED FAIRLY AND LAWFULLY It is very important that personal data should be processed fairly. In practice you must legitimate grounds for collection and using the personal data. You must not use the data in way that have unjustified adverse effects on the individual concerned. You must be transparent about how to use the data and privacy notices when they collecting their data. You make sure you do not do anything unlawful with the date. OBTAINED FOR SPECIFIED LAWFUL PURPOSES This data is clearly linked with first data protection. If you obtain personal data for an unlawful purpose then you will be in breach of both first and second data protection. For example to implement this data in you setting you must be clear from the outsets about why you are collecting personal data and what you intend to do with it. You must comply what act says about notifying given to the information commissnor. ADEQUATE, RELEVANT AND NOT EXCESSIVE The data protection does not define these words, clearly though they need to be considered. For examples a debt collection agency is engaged to find a particular debt. Its collects information several of people with similar name. During the inquiry some of these people are discounted. Company should delete most of the data, just keep minimum data. If you need to hold particular information about certain individual only you should collect it just for those individual. The information is likely to be excessive and irrelevant in relevant to other people. ACCURATE AND UP TO DATE The law recognise that it may not be practical to double check the accuracy of every item of personal data you receive. So the act make special provision about the accuracy that information that individual provides about themselves. When you go through this data protection you should take reasonably steps to ensure the accuracyof any personal you obtain, make sure that the any personal data is clear and carefully consider whether it is necessary to update the information. NOT KEPT ANY LONGER THEN NECESSARY personal data processed for any purposes or purpose shall not be kept for longerthen is necessary for that parpose. In your setting you will need to review the length of time you keep personal data and update archieve or securely delete information if it goes out of date. PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DATA SUBJECT’S RIGHTS SECURELY KEPT. NOT TRANSFERRED TO ANY OTHER COUNTRY WITHOUT ADEQUATE PROTECTION IN SITU. A good evaluation of your chosen Data Protection Act principles. 5.2 ACCURATE LEGIBLE AND UP TO RECORD KEEPING INFORMATION WITH NON COMPLIANCES When you start a business as a child care that it is very important to keep accurate and complete records. Your business record should include; You should have keep record banking information You must need a proof of income You need to keep a proof of expenses that how much you spend on their food and stuff You need to be organised, keep your records up to date and then hold on to them for seven tax years. Good records are important for your business because; They can make filling in your tax returns easier and quicker They can make it quicker for your tax agent or accountant to do your book and save your money. They can give you the information you need to manage your business and help it grow, and make it easier to get a loan. Tax record is a legal requirement to running a business. LEGIBILITY Legibility mean all information should be correct, readable and clearly. So following steps could be helpful for legible record keeping; All written information should be neat clean and use in black ink because it is clearer to read and photocopies. It is more important that handwriting should be legible. If it is not readable someone can misunderstanding. If someone changes to documentation such as medication form, parents permission form, it must be signed and dated. White correction fluid should not be use over the mistake, just crossed with a line. UP TO DATE INFORMATION Make sure personal data always should be accurate if not, for examples if someone has removed from Chester to kings brook, a record showing that he currently lives in Chester is obviously inaccurate. But a record showing that he once lived in Chester remains accurate, even though he no longer lives there. You must always be clear about what a record is intended to show. Personal data always have to be up to date. This depends on what the information is used for like medication changing, food requirements. If the information is used for a purpose that relies on it remaining current, it should be kept up to date. There is often confusion about whether it is appropriate to keep records of things that happened which should not have happened. Individuals understandably don’t want their records to be tarnished by, for example, a penalty or other charge that was later cancelled or refunded. However, the organization may legitimately wish its records to accurately reflect what actually happened – in this example, that a charge was imposed, and later cancelled or refunded. Keeping a record of a mistake and its correction might also be in the individual’s interests. 5.3 BASIC INFORMATION OF RECORD Before child coming in nursery or school basic information must be filled in. Supervisor should be explained to parents that this information will be treated with confidentially and that will be stored safely. The record will be reviewed regularly and kept up to date with parents’s help. superviser collects all information from parents. DIFFERENT WAYS OF RECORDING When recording data on a computer it is very important to make sure that adequate reliable methods of backing up the data are employedso that if the computer malfunction or becomes damaged the files can be easly retrieved on another system. There are so many ways to keep record like – DIGITAL DATA, PAPER RECORD AND MANUAL RECORD. TYPES OF DIGITAL DATA Digital data exists on many devices today not just computer and server. Portable media such as USB thumb drives, CDs and DVDs as well as copier, printer and scanner hard and drives. DESKTOP COMPUTER HARD DRIVES –LAPTOP HARD DRIVES – ZIP DISKS – FLOPPY DISKS Most people are aware of the need to destroy hard drives found in desktop and laptop computers and other magnetic storage devices. COPIERS – PRINTER – SCANNERS – ALL IN ONE DEVICES Advanced office equipment, including, printers, copiers, and scanner as well as mobile devices, such as cell phones can be the source of unexpected digital data breaches. USB THUMB DRIVES – LAPTOP (SSHD) -Thumb drives and external hard drives use solid – state drives (SSD) to store and transfer data. These drives look like magnetic hard drives but require specialized processing to ensure complete digital data destruction. These digital data should be stored safely secured in small locked safes. It should be protect by the secret password. Children should not allow to use same computer or desktop which have a confidential files. PAPER RECORDING – the data protection apply equally to personal data held on ICT system and on paper files. The following guidelines should be followed with regards to be held on paper files. This should be operating of a policy whereby paper files containing such data are locked away when not required. Paper records and files should be handed to those personnel with business reason to access them. Personal and sensitive information held on paper must be kept hidden from caller to officers. Secure disposal of confidential waste should be in place and properly used. When paper files are transfer within In a department, usually should be hand delivery. in the paper record have a same information but defferent way to keep it safe then digital. All paper work, files, information about financial should be out of reach of children. It should be locked on high place in childcare setting but they must be sealed in water proof bag. 5.4 PRIMARY TYPES OF DATA STORAGES Primary storages is a storages location that holds memory for short periods of times while the computer RAM and CACHE are both examples of a primary storages device. The capacity of RAM in terms of data storages is less but it offers a very fast access rate, this making it very pretty expensive. Processor cache is the part of RAM and is using for speeding up the execution. So primary storage allows faster access, it is highly violating in nature that means it clears up during the booting. DATA STORAGES FOR DIGITAL Computer data storages often called storages or memory is technology consisting of computer components and reading media used to retain digital data. It is core function and fundamental component of computer. Internal and external hard drives, DVD-R, CD-R, USB flash drives, web based storages AKA the clouds are primary storages for digital. PAPER STORAGES mostly files and folders and piles on your desk, stapled, paper clipped, computer, pen, pencils and some even have a typewriter need for paper storages. Using paper record increase the risk of grammar errors, improper data entry and other record inaccuracies. Paper also requires physical storages with could be costly expenses for business. By jpvsku Evaluate for the best option Paper records are best option for the home childcare setting. For paper records it is advisable to have a file rooms, and avoid having every employee maintaining their own filling cabinet. Proper files maintenance in the office is an effective record keeping strategy. It is very important that when you are planning your physical record keeping system to think in terms of RECORD SERIES. As you examine yourself make sure that information you produced is a logical relatively independent from other records. Why it is important because for longer terms and storages you will find deferent types of records need different strategies. A Common mistake made in records maintances is to information goes in but no way to information comes out so it will become soon unmanageable size. There is something special about paper records that make them more REAL than the same record in digital formats but this is not correct because digital is a faster and a properly produced, stored and maintained digital is just as valid in the eyes of the law as any paper records. Proper records management requires you to know which copy is your ‘‘copy of record’’. Once a copy of record has been established, the other copy can be destroyed safely A common problem that faces many organizations is inconsistency in record keeping practices. This usually results from personal turnover which each new employee creates the systems. If this happening several times, the record keeping system may become a combination of many techniques and schemes. New employees should be trained in the current producer of the department. The best way to ensure that the consistency is through and adequate documentation. In this UNIT I did try explain about data protection act 1998, how to implement it into childcare setting, record keeping information, deferent ways of recording, primary types of data storages and evaluate of paper records. References www.computerhope.vom www.irdgovt,cznz

Friday, October 25, 2019

Incat Wave-Piercing Catamaran Essay -- Innovation Research Paper

Describe your selected innovation/invention and discuss the design practice used in its development. Use appropriate images to illustrate this section of your report. Relate your discussion to the industry standards that were being applied at the time. Did this innovation challenge existing standards? Incat’s wave piercing catamarans are an innovation of the catamaran through design and materials. The original catamaran where made to be a fast and stable two hulled boat, although on choppy seas they where unable to maintain this stability. Incat’s catamaran uses wave-piercing technology to increase the catamarans speed and stability, through the innovation of a wave-piercing center bow, Incat has never patented its center bow design, relying instead on keeping ahead of the technology in this field. The wave piercing catamaran’s centre bow, is designed so that the buoyancy in the forward portions are reduced, due to this when it is approached by a wave due to the lack of buoyancy in the forward proportions of the bow it results in the bow piercing through the water instead of riding over the top. Due to this it provides a smoother ride and reduce the boats wave making resistance that slows down the boat, The two outer hulls of the catamaran known as a SWARTH is designed to minimize the area of the hull cross-section at the oceans surface, this minimizes the surface area that wave are able to hit. This results in higher speeds and greater stability especially in rough seas. The Incat wave piercing catamaran idea began in 1983, Phil Hercus in 1984 began development of a wave-piercing catamaran. This design combined the hull design called a SWARTH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) with a center bow designed by Phil Hercus... .../teamaustralia/vessels_wave_piercing_catamaran.htm [Accessed: 24 Feb 2014]. 2014. Incat’s LNG Ferry – ‘World’s Fastest Ship’ | [online] Available at: [Accessed: 24 Feb 2014]. 2014. Incat Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 24 Feb 2014]. 2014. Wave Piercing Catamaran - Australia Innovates - Powerhouse Museum. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 24 Feb 2014]. Wikipedia. 2014. HSC INCAT 046. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 24 Feb 2014]. Wikipedia. 2014. Swarth. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 24 Feb 2014].

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Exploratory Research on Pizza Heaven Essay

1. Exploratory research is a form of research conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. It helps determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. Even from the definition of exploratory research we can see, that it is done in order to define the problem and to help understand in which direction the further research should go. Exploratory research is preliminary, and is not conclusive, the quality of information provided is not perfect, and also the focus group chosen(40people) was not really representing the whole of the students at West coast. Therefore they should not yet implement the findings, because the data provided by 40 students might not be applicable to all student at West coast. 2. The problem Pizza Heaven has faced is that their sales have slipped. That could be due to competition from national chains such as Pizza Hut or Domino’s, so questions about competition should be asked. (Because potential clients might like something about the competitors more e. itself, delivery, atmosphere in restaurants) â€Å"also, they noted that the selection was often poor† Sales could have slipped, because of the range of products Pizza Heaven offers, so that topic has to be covered as well, including questions about new possible pizzas. (Because it may be that competitors are offering some types of pizza that Pizza Heaven don’t have) A decrease in sales can also be due to poor customer service, so that topic should also be covered. People said that â€Å"pizzas were usually dry and cold† why? maybe delivery took too long, that should be explored in more details. 3. Step One: Establishing the Need for Marketing Research The need is already established, as there is a decrease in sales Step Two: Defining the Problem So the problem is a decrease in sales, due to what ? Step Three: Establishing Research Objectives Hard Competition? Poor range of products? Need better customer service? those are the questions to ask. Step Four: Determining Research Design. Descriptive and Causal Research should be done. Step Five: Identifying Information Types and Sources Primary data should be collected, but also secondary data could be of a little use, for example if the sales dropped overall and not only by Pizza Heaven, due to crisis or some other reason Step Six: Determining Methods of Accessing Data We should have people asking the question, and also questionnaires coming with each pizza could help. Step Seven: Designing Data collection Forms Can be questionnaires(must be worded objectively, clearly, and without bias in order to communicate with respondents), surveys, or both can be done through email (although there is only a 5% response rate) Step Eight: Determining Sample Plan and Size Sample Size should surely be more than 40 people from one location. Also a sample should be representative, e. g. not only student of age 18-20, but also every other age groups. Step Nine: Collecting Data Step Ten: Analyzing Data Step Eleven: Preparing and Presenting the Final Report.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Moral values

It would be gross injustice to categorize all children and youths as lacking in manners and morals, but the general trend would certainly suggest there has been a major decline among many of them. Family values have changed dramatically in the past few decades, producing a crop of undisciplined teenagers and children who lack morals and manners as a result of poor training. Good manners were once the norm with young people very much aware the older generation.Saying â€Å"please† and â€Å"thank ou†, giving up a seat on the bus and holding open doors were all considered normal mannerly behavior. Times have changed and we now live in a predominantly me-first society which is reflected in many young people. If good manners are taught at an early age, they will generally continue to be part of the personality of the young child all the way into adulthood. The lack of good manners observed in society in general is no doubt a reflection of the situation found within the home .Without parental xample and training the area of manners, it is likely the children will sadly lack in displaying them. The same can be said of the lack of morals we find in many of today's youth. A large proportion of children have grown up with little or no respect for authority, for property, for family or even themselves. Living a life of immorality is considered normal behavior today and has produced a bumper crop of young people with venereal disease, unwanted pregnancies and a feeling of emptiness in their ives.Lacking in moral stability, we find young people involved in crime, violence and drug abuse. The so-called freedom they have has actually brought them into slavery to an amoral lifestyle. There is a contrast though in many children and teenagers who are moral and do have good manners, proving that it is still possible to develop these delightful characteristics. It is a real pleasure to come across young people who are mannerly and who have the courage to lead a moral life, not†¦ Moral values It would be gross injustice to categorize all children and youths as lacking in manners and morals, but the general trend would certainly suggest there has been a major decline among many of them. Family values have changed dramatically in the past few decades, producing a crop of undisciplined teenagers and children who lack morals and manners as a result of poor training. Good manners were once the norm with young people very much aware the older generation.Saying â€Å"please† and â€Å"thank ou†, giving up a seat on the bus and holding open doors were all considered normal mannerly behavior. Times have changed and we now live in a predominantly me-first society which is reflected in many young people. If good manners are taught at an early age, they will generally continue to be part of the personality of the young child all the way into adulthood. The lack of good manners observed in society in general is no doubt a reflection of the situation found within the home .Without parental xample and training the area of manners, it is likely the children will sadly lack in displaying them. The same can be said of the lack of morals we find in many of today's youth. A large proportion of children have grown up with little or no respect for authority, for property, for family or even themselves. Living a life of immorality is considered normal behavior today and has produced a bumper crop of young people with venereal disease, unwanted pregnancies and a feeling of emptiness in their ives.Lacking in moral stability, we find young people involved in crime, violence and drug abuse. The so-called freedom they have has actually brought them into slavery to an amoral lifestyle. There is a contrast though in many children and teenagers who are moral and do have good manners, proving that it is still possible to develop these delightful characteristics. It is a real pleasure to come across young people who are mannerly and who have the courage to lead a moral life, not†¦